Pet Products and Care

16 Best Products for Dog Anxiety Relief

Written by Health and Wellness Playbook | May 13, 2023 7:28:23 PM

As pet owners, we want nothing but the best for our furry companions, especially when it comes to their mental well-being. According to the American Kennel Club, approximately 20% of dogs suffer from anxiety, which can manifest in various ways such as destructive behavior, excessive barking, and even physical illness. Fortunately, there are products available in the market that can help alleviate their anxiety and provide them with much-needed comfort. In this article, we will explore the best products for dog anxiety relief, based on expert recommendations and customer reviews.

16 Best Products for Dog Anxiety Relief

  1. Pupper Calming Vitamins
  2. Penguin CBD Dog Oil
  3. FOCL Pet Drops
  4. PREMIUM CARE Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs
  5. Chew + Heal Dog Calming Treats
  6. NaturVet Quiet Moments Calming Aid Melatonin Dog Supplement
  7. Richard’s Organics Pet Calm
  8. Solid Gold Calming Chews for Dogs 
  9. Native Pet Calm – Dog Calming Chews
  10. PetHonesty Melatonin Calming for Dogs
  11. pawlife Hemp Dog Calming Chews
  12. Well Loved Calming Chews for Dogs 
  13. True Tails Calming Chews for Dogs
  14. Pet Chef Nutrition Calming Anxiety Stress Mental Health Treat for Dogs
  15. ZBQIEX Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs
  16. Zesty Paws OraStix for Dogs - Calming Dental Sticks for Stress and Anxiety Relief

Pupper Calming Vitamins

If you're a pet owner, you know how heartbreaking it can be to see your furry friend in distress. Many dogs experience anxiety due to various reasons, such as separation anxiety, thunderstorms, or loud noises. It can be frustrating to watch your pup whimper, pace, or hide away when triggered by such stimuli. That's where dog anxiety relief supplements come in. Pupper Calming Vitamins are supplements specifically designed to alleviate anxiety in dogs through natural ingredients such as chamomile, passionflower, and L-tryptophan. These vitamins help promote relaxation without causing drowsiness or any other adverse side effects you would not want for your furry pet. They are a great way to help your pups feel relaxed and comfortable, even during the most stressful situations.

Penguin CBD Dog Oil

As pet owners, we all want the best for our furry friends. That's why it's important to consider the benefits of Penguin CBD Dog Oil. Made with high-quality ingredients, this oil is specifically designed to help ease dog anxiety and improve overall well-being. Whether your furry friend experiences anxiety during car rides or when left alone, Penguin CBD Dog Oil can provide some much-needed relief. Plus, with natural ingredients and a trusted brand behind it, you can feel confident in giving your pup the very best. Give your furry friend the gift of calm with Penguin CBD Dog Oil.

FOCL Pet Drops

​​FOCL’s Premium Pet CBD Drops are one of the best CBD oils for pets on the market today. They took the industry by storm with their human CBD products and now are bringing the same high-quality products to the pet world. Specifically formulated for cats and dogs, FOCL Premium Pet CBD Drops can help your pet live life more comfortably. FOCL’s Pet CBD Drops come in three delicious flavors Peanut Butter, Wild Salmon, and Savory Chicken in either 300mg or 600mg sizes. At FOCL, they are pet lovers like you and they know your cat is family. That’s why they put the same care and strict quality control guidelines in place for their pet products as their human products.

PREMIUM CARE Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs

Pet owners know how overwhelming it can be to witness their furry friend suffering from anxiety. Restlessness, panting, and whining are only a few signs of a stressed-out dog. Fortunately, PREMIUM CARE Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs may provide the comfort and relaxation your pet needs. Made with natural ingredients, these chews contain organic hemp oil and L-Theanine, which can help ease anxiety and promote relaxation without causing drowsiness. By including PREMIUM CARE Hemp Calming Chews in your dog's routine, you may experience a noticeable difference in their behavior and mood. So let your furry friend enjoy a peaceful and happy life with the help of these calming chews.

Chew + Heal Dog Calming Treats

Dog anxiety can be a challenging issue for many pet owners. Whether it's due to separation anxiety, loud noises, or new surroundings, calming down a nervous furry friend can be stressful. That's where Chew + Heal Dog Calming Treats can help. These treats are specially formulated to help relieve anxiety and promote relaxation in dogs. With natural ingredients such as chamomile, passionflower, and valerian root, these treats can help soothe your pet's nerves and ease their worries. Plus, they are delicious and easy to digest, making them a perfect option for stressful situations such as car rides or vet visits. Try Chew + Heal Dog Calming Treats today and see the difference they can make in your furry friend's anxiety relief.

NaturVet Quiet Moments Calming Aid Melatonin Dog Supplement

If you're a pet owner, you're probably familiar with the feeling of wanting to do anything you can to help your furry friend feel calm and comfortable. One product that many pet owners have turned to for dog anxiety relief is NaturVet Quiet Moments Calming Aid Melatonin Dog Supplement. This supplement is formulated to help your dog relax during times of stress and anxiety, and contains all-natural ingredients like ginger, melatonin, and chamomile. Whether your dog gets nervous during car rides or has trouble settling down at night, NaturVet Quiet Moments can help promote a sense of calm and relaxation. As always, be sure to talk to your veterinarian before giving your pet any new supplements or medications.

Richard’s Organics Pet Calm

Does your furry companion get anxious during storms or car rides? Richard’s Organics Pet Calm may just be the solution you've been looking for. This all-natural dog anxiety relief supplement helps soothe nervous systems and promote relaxation without the use of harsh chemicals. Its blend of chamomile, passionflower, valerian root, and other natural ingredients work together to calm and comfort your furry friend during times of stress and anxiety. Plus, it’s easy to administer and comes in a tasty chicken-flavored liquid that your dog will love. Give your pup the peace of mind they deserve with Richard’s Organics Pet Calm.

Solid Gold Calming Chews for Dogs

Many pet owners know the agony of seeing their furry friend suffering from anxiety. Fortunately, there are many products to alleviate this issue, including Solid Gold Calming Chews for Dogs. These chews offer a safe, all-natural solution to help ease anxiety in pets. These calming supplements blend natural ingredients such as chamomile and passionflower, which work together to reduce stress and anxiety in dogs. This makes for a more relaxed and happy pet, free from constant anxiety. So if you're looking for an effective and safe solution to help manage your dog's anxieties, Solid Gold Calming Chews offers a path toward a more peaceful life for both you and your pet. 

Native Pet Calm – Dog Calming Chews

Many pet owners know the distressing feeling of watching their beloved dogs struggle with anxiety. Whether it's caused by thunderstorms, fireworks, or separation anxiety, it can be heartbreaking to see your furry friend feeling scared and uneasy. That's where Native Pet Calm comes in. These dog-calming chews are specifically formulated to provide relief for anxious dogs. Made with natural ingredients like chamomile, valerian root, and passionflower, these chews can help your dog relax and feel more at ease. Whether you have a small, medium, or large dog, Native Pet Calm has the formula to fit their size and needs. Say goodbye to your furry friend's anxiety and hello to a calmer, happier pooch with Native Pet Calm dog calming chews.

PetHonesty Melatonin Calming for Dogs

Many dog owners know the struggles of calming down an anxious pup. Whether it's loud noises, separation anxiety, or even travel stress, there are many triggers that can cause your dog to become overwhelmed. That's where PetHonesty's Melatonin Calming for Dogs comes in handy. This natural and effective supplement can help soothe your furry friend and enhance their overall well-being. With the power of melatonin and other calming ingredients like chamomile and valerian root, PetHonesty's supplement can help provide dog anxiety relief and promote a sense of calm. Say goodbye to restless nights and anxious days with PetHonesty's Melatonin Calming for Dogs.

pawlife Hemp Dog Calming Chews

Keeping your furry friend calm and relaxed is essential for their overall well-being, but sometimes dogs can experience anxiety that can cause stress and discomfort. That's where pawlife Hemp Dog Calming Chews come in. These all-natural chews are specifically designed to provide dog anxiety relief and promote relaxation without any sedative effect. Made with premium-quality ingredients, including organic hemp oil, chamomile extract, and valerian root, these chews work quickly to support calming and reduce nervousness. With a delicious bacon flavor, your pet will love it while also getting the relief that they need. Give pawlife Hemp Dog Calming Chews a try and see the difference they can make in your dog's mood and behavior!

Well Loved Calming Chews for Dogs 

For many dog owners, finding a solution for their furry friend's anxiety can be a challenging task. This is where calming chews for dogs come in. These treats are specially formulated with natural ingredients to help soothe dogs during stressful situations. Whether it's a vet visit, separation anxiety, or thunderstorms, these chews can provide fast relief for your pup. Moreover, they're not only effective but also well-loved by many dog owners due to their convenience and ease of use. So, when you're looking for an effective way to help your dog feel more comfortable and relaxed, give calming chews a try!

True Tails Calming Chews for Dogs

If you're a dog owner, you know how distressing it can be to watch your furry friend experience anxiety. Whether it's separation anxiety, noise sensitivity, or travel stress, seeing your dog upset can be overwhelming and make you feel powerless. That's where True Tails Calming Chews for Dogs come in. These chews are specially formulated to provide natural anxiety relief for your dog, using a combination of chamomile, ginger, passionflower, and other calming ingredients. Not only are they effective at reducing anxiety, but they also taste great, so your dog will love them. With True Tails Calming Chews, you can give your dog the support they need to feel calm and happy every day.

Pet Chef Nutrition Calming Anxiety Stress Mental Health Treat for Dogs

Pet Chef Nutrition understands the importance of supporting our furry companions' mental health. The Calming Anxiety Stress Mental Health Treat for Dogs is a nutritious and flavorful option for dogs experiencing anxious moments. With carefully selected ingredients like chamomile and lavender, this treat can help soothe the worries of our furry friends. This calming treat promotes relaxation and can make a positive impact on a dog's overall well-being. Pet Chef Nutrition is committed to providing the best possible nutrition for dogs, and this treat is just one example of their dedication to supporting our pets' health. Say goodbye to dog anxiety with Pet Chef Nutrition's Calming Anxiety Stress Mental Health Treat.

ZBQIEX Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs

Dog anxiety can be a tough issue to tackle, but ZBQIEX Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs may be able to help. These chews are formulated specifically for pups experiencing anxiety and nervousness, and the hemp extract and natural ingredients work together to promote calmness and relaxation. Dogs can enjoy the delicious bacon flavor, while their owners can rest easy knowing their pet is getting natural anxiety relief. Whether your dog struggles with separation anxiety, thunderstorm fears, or just general nervousness, ZBQIEX Hemp Calming Chews may be a helpful addition to their routine.

Zesty Paws OraStix for Dogs - Calming Dental Sticks for Stress and Anxiety Relief

As pet owners, we all want our furry companions to be healthy and happy. However, some dogs may struggle with stress and anxiety, which can manifest in various ways, including dental issues. That's where Zesty Paws OraStix comes in. These dental sticks are not just tasty treats, but they also provide stress and anxiety relief for dogs. Made with calming ingredients such as chamomile and valerian root, these dental sticks can help your furry friend relax while taking care of their teeth. So, if your dog suffers from anxiety and dental issues, Zesty Paws OraStix may be a great addition to their daily routine.


In conclusion, it's essential to prioritize our dogs' mental health and well-being, and investing in anxiety relief products can significantly improve their quality of life. According to a recent survey by the American Pet Products Association, pet owners spend over $1.7 billion on anxiety relief products each year. Additionally, with the right products and techniques, up to 80% of dogs with anxiety can see significant improvement in their behavior and mood. So, whether your pup experiences separation anxiety, noise phobia, or general anxiety, there are options available to help them live a happier, more peaceful life.