Pet Products and Care

Why Does Your Dog Follow you Everywhere: Separation Anxiety 101

Written by Health and Wellness Playbook | May 14, 2023 8:28:39 PM

It's a common scene - you stand up from your couch, and your furry friend is right there, following your every move. You walk to the bathroom, and your dog is right behind you. You go to the kitchen, and your pooch is at your feet. You may think it's cute, but this behavior could be a sign of something more concerning: separation anxiety.


According to the American Kennel Club, 14% of dogs in the United States suffer from separation anxiety. It's a common condition that can lead to destructive behaviors, including excessive barking, chewing, and even urination or defecation inside the house. In this article, we'll explore what separation anxiety is, why it occurs, and what you can do to help your dog cope with it.

Best Products For Dog Separation Anxiety

  1. Pupper Calming Vitamins
  2. MXCZBSM Calming Chews for Dogs with Anxiety and Stress
  3. Solid Gold Calming Chews for Dogs 
  4. Chew + Heal Dog Calming Treats
  5. Fur Belly Calming Chews for Dogs
  6. Nootie PROGILITY Daily Calming Aid Chews for Dogs
  7. pawlife Hemp Dog Calming Chews
  8. OTIS Soft Chew Multivitamin for Dogs - Calming Functional
  9. TranQuil-Tabs for Dogs
  10. IDUCEN Dog Calming Oil
  11. VETRISCIENCE Composure Clinically Proven Calming Chews
  12. PREMIUM CARE Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs
  13. ZBQIEX Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs
  14. Pet Chef Nutrition Calming Anxiety Stress Mental Health Treat for Dogs


What is Separation Anxiety?

Separation anxiety is a condition where a dog becomes excessively anxious and stressed when separated from its owner. It's more than just missing you; it's a debilitating fear of being left alone. Dogs with separation anxiety will often display destructive behaviors in an attempt to escape their anxiety.


Why Does Separation Anxiety Occur?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to why separation anxiety occurs. Some dogs may develop the condition due to a traumatic experience, such as being abandoned or losing a beloved owner. Other dogs may develop separation anxiety due to a lack of proper socialization or being left alone for long periods repeatedly.


How to Help Your Dog Cope with Separation Anxiety

The good news is that separation anxiety is treatable. Here are some things you can do to help your furry friend:


  1. Gradually increase alone time: Start by leaving your dog alone for short periods and gradually increase the duration. This will help your dog learn that being alone is okay.
  2. Provide mental stimulation: Give your dog toys and puzzles to keep them occupied while you're away.
  3. Consider medication: In severe cases, medication prescribed by a veterinarian may be necessary to help your dog cope.


Best Products For Dog Separation Anxiety

If your dog suffers from separation anxiety these are the best products to consider:


Pupper Calming Vitamins

It's not uncommon for dogs to experience separation anxiety when their owners leave home. Pacing, whining, and destructive behavior can all be signs of a stressed-out pup. While there's no substitute for spending quality time with your furry friend, pupper calming vitamins may be a helpful tool to alleviate some of their symptoms. These specially-formulated vitamins contain natural ingredients like chamomile and valerian root, which have been shown to have calming effects on dogs. Of course, it's always best to consult with your veterinarian before giving any new supplements to your pet. With a little research and some guidance from your trusted vet, pupper calming vitamins might just be the solution to a happier, more relaxed dog.

MXCZBSM Calming Chews for Dogs with Anxiety and Stress

For dogs that suffer from separation anxiety and stress, finding the right solution can be a challenge. Fortunately, the MXCZBSM calming chews offer a natural remedy that can soothe and reassure your furry friend during times of distress. These chews contain a blend of natural ingredients that have been shown to promote relaxation and calmness in pets. Whether you're leaving for work or a vacation, or your dog is anxious during thunderstorms or other events, MXCZBSM calming chews can provide the relief your furry companion needs. With regular use, these chews can help your dog manage their anxiety and enjoy a more peaceful and happy life.

Solid Gold Calming Chews for Dogs 

When it comes to our furry friends, nothing is more heart-wrenching than watching them suffer from separation anxiety. That's why we are excited to introduce Solid Gold Calming Chews for Dogs. These innovative chews contain a special blend of natural ingredients known to promote relaxation and calmness in dogs, such as passionflower, chamomile, and ginger. Not only are these chews packed with wellness benefits, but they are also made with high-quality, organic ingredients, ensuring your pup is getting the best of the best. So, next time you have to leave your furry companion at home, give them the gift of Solid Gold Calming Chews and experience the peace of mind that your furry loved one is happy and calm in your absence.

Chew + Heal Dog Calming Treats

If you're a dog owner, you know that separation anxiety can be a tough challenge. Whether you're heading out for a long day of work or leaving for a quick errand, your furry friend may start showing signs of distress. That's where Chew + Heal Dog Calming Treats come in. These treats are designed to help calm your dog's nerves and ease their separation anxiety. Made with natural ingredients like chamomile, valerian root, and passionflower, these dog-calming treats are a safe and effective way to soothe your pup's anxiety. So the next time you have to leave your furry friend alone, you can feel at ease knowing they have a little bit of extra help to keep them calm and happy.

Fur Belly Calming Chews for Dogs

For dogs, separation anxiety can be a real problem. If you're a dog owner, you know how unsettling it can be to see your furry friend suffering from anxiety when you're away. Thankfully, there are products available to help alleviate some of that anxiety and provide your dog with comfort. One such product is Fur Belly Calming Chews for Dogs. These chews are designed to help reduce stress in dogs, especially during times of separation. Made with a special blend of ingredients such as chamomile, ginger, and L-theanine, these chews can help calm and soothe your dog's nerves. If your pup struggles with separation anxiety, it may be worth giving Fur Belly Calming Chews a try.

Nootie PROGILITY Daily Calming Aid Chews for Dogs

Separation anxiety is a common issue among dogs, which can result in destructive behavior, excessive barking, and overall stress for both the dog and its owner. Nootie PROGILITY Daily Calming Aid Chews are a promising solution to ease separation anxiety in dogs. These chews contain a blend of natural ingredients, including hemp seed oil, chamomile, and ginger root, which work together to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Plus, the chews are formulated with a bacon flavor, making them not only calming but also a tasty treat for your furry friend. With Nootie PROGILITY Daily Calming Aid Chews, you may see a significant improvement in your dog's behavior and overall well-being.

pawlife Hemp Dog Calming Chews

Hemp Dog Calming Chews from pawlife are designed to help ease your furry friend's anxiety during times of stress. Whether you're heading out to work for the day or leaving your dog at a kennel for vacation, separation anxiety can be a real issue for many dogs. These chews, made with natural ingredients and hemp oil, can help calm your pup's nerves and reduce the symptoms of anxiety. Instead of turning to harsh medications or sedatives, you can give your pet a safe, effective, and delicious treat they'll love. With pawlife's Hemp Dog Calming Chews, your furry companion can feel more relaxed and comfortable even when you're not by their side.

OTIS Soft Chew Multivitamin for Dogs - Calming Functional

For many dog owners, separation anxiety is a common problem that can lead to destructive behavior and undue stress for both pet and owner. That's where OTIS Soft Chew Multivitamin for Dogs - Calming Functional comes in. These chews are designed to help calm anxious dogs and ease their stress during periods of separation. With a potent blend of natural ingredients such as chamomile and valerian root, these soft chews work to support your dog's overall emotional well-being while also providing essential nutrients for its health. So if you're looking for an effective and easy way to support your dog's calmness and reduce separation anxiety, look no further than OTIS Soft Chew Multivitamin.

TranQuil-Tabs for Dogs

Dogs can experience separation anxiety when their owners leave the house for a long period of time. This can lead to destructive behavior such as chewing on furniture or excessive barking. TranQuil-Tabs for dogs are a helpful solution to calm anxious pups and reduce their symptoms. The tablets contain all-natural ingredients such as chamomile and passionflower that work together to promote relaxation without causing drowsiness. So if you're looking for a way to ease your dog's anxiety and improve their well-being, TranQuil-Tabs may be worth considering.

IDUCEN Dog Calming Oil

Many pet owners know the pain of leaving their furry friends home alone. Dogs, in particular, can suffer from separation anxiety, causing them to bark, chew, and destroy furniture. This is where IDUCEN Dog Calming Oil comes in. This natural formula combines gentle essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, and frankincense, to soothe and calm your dog's anxiety. Simply apply a few drops to your pup's fur or bedding before leaving, and let its aromatherapeutic properties do the rest. Say goodbye to anxious goodbyes and hello to a calm, happy dog. Try IDUCEN Dog Calming Oil today.

VETRISCIENCE Composure Clinically Proven Calming Chews

If your furry friend suffers from separation anxiety, it can be a heart-wrenching experience for both of you. Fortunately, there are solutions to help ease the stress and promote calm behavior. One option that has been clinically proven is VETRISCIENCE Composure Calming Chews. These chews contain a blend of natural ingredients that work together to support relaxation and balanced behavior. With frequent use, pet parents have reported a positive change in their pet's demeanor, making separation anxiety less of an issue. If you're looking for a natural, effective way to help your pet during difficult times, VETRISCIENCE Composure Calming Chews may be just the solution you need.

PREMIUM CARE Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs

Dogs are man's best friend and their well-being is a top priority for pet owners. Unfortunately, separation anxiety is a common issue that affects many dogs and can cause stress and anxiety in both the animal and its owners. This is where PREMIUM CARE Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs come in - a natural supplement that can help calm and soothe your furry friend. These chews are infused with hemp oil, a natural ingredient that has been researched and found to have calming effects on dogs. The product is designed to help dogs feel more relaxed when their owners are away or during stressful situations such as thunderstorms or fireworks. With PREMIUM CARE Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs, pet owners can rest easy knowing that their furry friends are getting the best possible care.

ZBQIEX Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs


Many dogs experience separation anxiety, which can result in destructive behaviors when left home alone. However, there is now a natural solution to help calm your furry friend. ZBQIEX Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs is specially formulated with hemp extract and other natural ingredients to help reduce stress and anxiety in dogs. These tasty chews are easy to administer, making them the perfect solution for pet owners who want to give their furry friends the relief they need. Whether your dog is suffering from separation anxiety or just needs a little extra help dealing with stress, ZBQIEX Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs can help.

Pet Chef Nutrition Calming Anxiety Stress Mental Health Treat for Dogs

As pet owners, we all want the best for our furry friends, especially when it comes to their health and well-being. Anxiety and stress are common issues that affect many dogs, particularly those who suffer from separation anxiety. Fortunately, there are many methods to help calm and relax dogs, such as physical exercise, soothing music, and therapeutic massages. Another useful tool to consider is specialized nutrition, which can provide your pup with essential vitamins, minerals, and ingredients to ease their anxiety and support their mental health. A pet chef can create specially formulated treats that are not only tasty but also help calm your dog's nerves and minimize stress. With the right nutrition and care, you can help your dog navigate separation anxiety and feel happier and more relaxed overall.




In conclusion, separation anxiety is a common condition that can cause your furry friend to follow you everywhere. With patience, understanding, and proper training, you can help your dog cope with this condition and reduce their stress levels. Remember, if your dog is exhibiting destructive behaviors or seems overly anxious when you're away, it's important to seek help from a veterinarian or certified dog behaviorist.