What Is A Buy And Build Strategy?

Explore the transformative potential of the buy and build strategy, a favored approach by private equity firms for expansion and increased returns. Discover how this strategy involves acquiring a platform company and integrating smaller businesses to generate added value efficiently. Learn why buy and build transactions are more prevalent in slower economies and highly fragmented sectors, with an average internal rate of return of 31.6%. Understand the key factors for successful execution, including sector expertise, strong leadership, and strategic planning. Whether you're considering an exit, growth, or crafting a strategic plan, trust Benchmark International's experts to tailor strategies to your unique needs and goals, maximizing the value of your business.

Nov 22, 2023

How To Announce An Acquisition

Prepare for the impact of selling or acquiring a company with our expert insights. Learn the critical importance of strategic communication in handling uncertainties among employees, clients, and the public. Explore our detailed guide on when and how to announce the news, with a focus on transparency, reassurance, and managing potential disruptions. Discover the key questions to address with employees, clients, and the public, ensuring a smooth transition and maintaining positive relationships. If you're considering a merger or acquisition, rely on Benchmark International's expertise to guide you through the entire process, providing the peace of mind you deserve.

Nov 22, 2023

Top 10 Industries For Private Equity Investment Revealed

Dive into the dynamic world of private equity with insights from a study by Private Equity Info. Discover the top 10 industries attracting private equity firms in 2018, from manufacturing to transportation & logistics. Uncover the reasons behind their popularity, including advancements in technology, market growth, and strategic consolidation. Learn how private equity is reshaping industries like healthcare, data, and oil & gas. Stay ahead in the business acquisition game with valuable information on industry trends and successful transactions. Explore the potential for growth and investment in these thriving sectors.

Nov 22, 2023

5 Books To Read Before Buying A Business

Explore our curated list of must-read books tailored for aspiring business buyers. From strategic insights to practical tips, these recommended reads provide invaluable knowledge and perspective on the intricacies of acquiring a business. Arm yourself with the wisdom of seasoned experts before embarking on your entrepreneurial journey. Uncover the best books to navigate the complexities of business acquisition, ensuring you make informed decisions. Elevate your readiness with these insightful resources and embark on your path to successful business ownership.

Nov 22, 2023

What Is A Strategic Partner?

Discover the diverse world of strategic partnerships and their impact on business growth. Explore horizontal, vertical, equity partnerships, joint ventures, mergers, and acquisitions with real-world examples. Learn why 85% of business owners consider partnerships essential, unlocking benefits such as market expansion, brand awareness, innovation acceleration, and improved supply chain performance. Uncover the keys to successful partnerships, avoiding common pitfalls, with insights from a report revealing the challenges faced by many. Leverage the expertise of Benchmark International to navigate the complexities, build a solid growth strategy, and maximize the potential of your next strategic partnership.

Nov 22, 2023

Overview Of Steps In The M&A Process

Explore the intricacies of mergers and acquisitions with our comprehensive guide to the M&A process. From target list creation to post-closing adjustments, understand each step involved in this complex journey. Discover the significance of confidentiality agreements, indication of interest, due diligence, and the purchase agreement. Whether you're a buyer or seller, gain insights into the strategies and considerations that shape successful M&A transactions.

Nov 22, 2023