Domiciliary Care Guide - How to Pick the Best Provider

There’s no place like home. When you’re feeling ill, injured, or facing the realities of aging, you want to do so in the comfort of your own home surrounded by those you love. Domiciliary care makes that possible. 


Caring for a loved one who is facing a chronic medical issue and needs around-the-clock attention is never an easy decision or task. It can be demanding on your time, mental capacity, and physical well-being. This is especially true if you work a full-time job and are trying to keep your own affairs in order.


Domiciliary care (also known as dom care) gives families the ability to care for their loved ones in the most humane way possible, without the guilt of placing them in a hospital or nursing home. Now, your family members can recover in the privacy of their own homes without feeling lonely or neglected.


But with countless domiciliary care companies available in the UK, how do you know which one is reliable and will offer your loved one the best possible care? It can be difficult to navigate the world of dom care, especially when you’re facing a family tragedy.


Let us help. In this domiciliary guide, we’ll talk more about what this type of care looks like and offer advice on how to pick the best provider. This way, you can turn your attention to what matters most – the comfort and happiness of your family members.


What is Domiciliary Care?

By definition, domiciliary care is when a trained nurse or other medical professional visits your home periodically to administer care. Some dom care aids provide nothing more than companionship while performing basic daily tasks like food shopping, running errands, cleaning the house, and preparing meals. Visits can occur daily or weekly, depending on the patient’s needs.


More extensive domiciliary care involves the help of a healthcare assistant or registered nurse who is highly trained in administering medical services and often spends several hours a day with your loved one. 


These types of providers can administer medication, change dressings or bandages on a wound, administer blood tests, and make other medical observations and diagnoses. In some instances, these nurses also provide hygiene care like washing and dressing the patient or assisting with feeding if the individual can’t feed themselves. This level of dom care is much more intense and therefore, more costly. 


Examples of Domiciliary Care

Most people associate at-home care with aging adults and the elderly. And while many patients are older adults, this isn’t always the case. Dom care is also available for those with a chronic illness or those who have been severely injured and need additional assistance, including middle-aged adults and even children. 


Domiciliary care describes any program that offers people help and support in their homes for various reasons. Many of these programs are individualized to the patient’s specific needs, financial status, and location. A flexible schedule and services allow for a personalized approach to home care. 


For example, some patients may only need an assistant to help do their shopping, clean their home, prepare meals, and offer them companionship to prevent extreme loneliness or depression. 


On the other hand, chronically ill or aging patients will likely need medical care and attention that involves administering medication and performing certain tasks that only a trained professional can do. These dom care workers may also assist with personal care and hygiene, domestic chores, and meal preparation. In some situations, two separate care workers may be needed.


Regardless of the type of care you or your loved one needs, the main objective of dom care remains the same. To help patients preserve their independence and dignity while also getting the care and assistance they need in familiar and comfortable surroundings. 


Some studies show that receiving at-home care actually speeds up the healing process and provides aging adults with a more positive end-of-life experience. Over 70% of people over the age of 50 claim they would prefer dom care over entering a nursing home or other facility as they age and their health declines. 


Domiciliary Care vs. At-Home Care: Is There a Difference?

The biggest difference between home care and domiciliary care is that the former refers to non-medical assistance provided by caregivers, whereas domiciliary care encompasses both non-medical and medical services. Both forms of support are provided by at-home caregivers who visit patients in their own familiar surroundings. 


Knowing the difference between these two services is key to finding the right type of care you or your loved one needs to live a healthy, dignified life. At-home caregivers assist with daily tasks like dressing, feeding, personal hygiene, and other household tasks. They also act as a companion, providing much-needed company, conversation, and encouragement. 


If you or your family member require all of these services, plus medical attention, domiciliary care would be the more appropriate choice. This is the best option for patients with chronic medical conditions, recent injuries, or a terminal diagnosis. Dom caregivers can administer medication, perform physical therapy, and come highly trained.


Both options help patients maintain their dignity and independence while also receiving the care and support they need without ever leaving their homes. 


The Benefits of Domiciliary Care Over Residential Care and Nursing Homes

The greatest benefit of dom care is the ability for patients to have all of their basic and medical needs met in a familiar and comfortable environment. Residential care offers the same level of service, however, treatment is administered in a care facility. That means your loved one must travel to a specific location and remain there until they are healthy or well enough to leave. 


One misconception about residential homes is that they’re the same as nursing homes. These are two different types of facilities and offer very different benefits and services. Residential homes are suitable for patients with limited mobility and those who don’t need around-the-clock care. It’s common for patients with Dementia and other cognitive conditions to enter residential care facilities. Nursing homes, on the other hand, offer more intensive care for patients who are immobile and may be diagnosed with more severe, terminal conditions. 


Domiciliary care combines all of these benefits into one neat package where qualified caregivers visit patients in their homes, bringing the same level of service and professionalism. Other benefits of dom care include:


  • Patients can remain local and close to other family members and loved ones
  • Individuals experience less stress and physical or emotional disturbances by remaining in their own homes
  • Patients can maintain their dignity, independence, and community ties
  • Dom care is often less expensive than residential care or nursing homes
  • Nearby friends and family can assist with domiciliary care, reducing costs even more


Deciding whether or not domiciliary care is the right choice for you or your loved one is a personal decision based on needs, preferences, and finances. Dom care is best for anyone wishing to remain in their own home as they heal, recover, or live out their final days in peace. 


Start by assessing your general needs and consulting with a doctor to determine if it’s safe and reasonable to treat your current condition with in-home dom care. Your physician can make a professional, medical decision about the appropriate care for your current condition. Some diagnoses also come with additional benefits which may offset the costs of domiciliary care. Be sure to speak with your doctor and insurance company to learn about dom care costs and coverage. 


Traditional Domiciliary Care vs. Specialized Needs and Services

Not all dom care is treated equally. While some patients may have basic needs and common conditions, others may require extensive hands-on care that goes beyond the traditional services. 


Traditional dom care is appropriate for patients who are still mobile and require less extensive care and attention. This is common among those suffering from an injury, individuals with certain disabilities, and those with palliative care needs. Some dom care companies employ specialists who are trained to treat advanced medical conditions, but this isn’t always the case. For patients requiring individualized care with highly specific treatment plans, domiciliary care may not be a viable option. 


A quick consultation with your general practitioner or social worker can help determine if dom care is a good fit for your needs and condition. Some doctors will perform a general assessment to determine the exact level of care you need and if any special equipment or treatments are needed. If it’s determined that you can live safely, comfortably, and independently in your home under the supervision of a dom care provider, your physician will recommend this approach. Otherwise, they may suggest a more intense and specialized treatment plan that involves residential care. 


The most important determining factor when deciding if dom care is right for you or your loved one is health, safety, and happiness. If the patient can continue living a safe, healthy, and happy life in their home with the help of a trained domiciliary care professional, great! However, if these conditions aren’t conducive to properly treating the patient’s current condition, it would be negligent to implement dom care, and imperative you seek additional professional support. 


How to Pick the Best Provider

Once you determine that domiciliary care is the best option for you or your loved one, you need to start researching local companies and services. As with any medical professional or service you choose, it’s essential to read reviews, compare costs, and weigh the pros and cons. 


Websites like Compare Caring make it easy and convenient to compare a variety of services in your local area. Their  convenient quiz compares provider fees, CQC (Care Quality Commission) ratings, and available services. Simply enter your postal code and wait for the site to generate a list of local providers in your area. 


You’ll also be asked to complete a questionnaire detailing your requirements and needs so Compare Caring can find the most suitable matches. Compare Caring facilitates a conversation between you and at least two care providers so you can make an informed decision and explore multiple options. 


In addition to using Compare Caring services to pick the best provider for your needs, here are a few things to consider during your search. 


Determine the Exact Type of Care You Need

It’s important to get specific about the type of care you need. Domiciliary care comes in all forms, with some patients requiring medical attention and others simply needing companionship or someone to lend a hand. Make a list of all the things you need help with so you can choose the best fit. 


For example, do you need assistance getting dressed, bathing yourself, or eating? Do you want a companion for a few hours a day or do you need 24-hour, around-the-clock medical assistance? Once you nail down the exact type of care you need, you can better find and choose the right domiciliary care provider. In most cases, these companies offer tailored services that fit your unique needs and requirements. 


Decide What You Want in a Dom Care Service

Not all dom care services are created equal. Some providers don’t offer 24-hour care or have limited medical professionals. Be sure the domiciliary care provider you choose offers the services you need. Ask yourself what important features the company should have. Here are a few ideas to get you started.


  • A large staff with plenty of help or a smaller company with a dedicated team
  • 24-hour care options or just Monday through Friday with limited weekend availability 
  • The qualifications and education of the company’s team members
  • Pricing options and potential payment plans
  • The company’s location and how far they travel


Research Local Companies

After you figure out exactly what you want and need from a domiciliary care provider, you can start doing some research. Find a local provider that is willing to travel to your location. You may need to narrow your search to a certain mile radius from where you’re located. Make a list of 5 or 10 companies that you’re interested in and search them online. Here, you can read online reviews from other clients, see what type of certifications and qualifications the company has, and learn more about its history, reputation, and services. 


Qualified dom care providers should also be registered with one of the UK’s care regulators who monitor and inspect these companies to ensure high standards of safety and quality. Reputable companies should also be part of the Homecare Association which has its own code of practice to guarantee quality care and safe conditions. 


Ask for Referrals and Recommendations

Another great way to find a reliable domiciliary care provider is to ask for referrals from trusted sources. These can include your doctor, nurse, family, friends, or at-home caregivers. Most medical professionals are familiar with local dom care companies and may offer several recommendations based on their knowledge of your condition and needs. If you know someone who has used domiciliary care in their homes or to care for a loved one, ask what provider they used and what they liked and disliked about that particular company. Sometimes, a referral from someone you trust is all you need to make your final decision. 


Use Compare Caring’s Quiz and Comparison Tool

For those unfamiliar with domiciliary care or who don’t have a primary care physician or trusted friend to ask, Compare Caring can help. Our unique comparison quiz and free comparison tool make it simple to find reliable domiciliary care providers in your local area. Compare Caring will generate a list of providers that meet your needs, budget, and location. View their fees, services, and credentials compared to other comparable companies before making a final decision. 

Questions to Ask Potential Domiciliary Care Agencies

Compare Caring puts you in contact with two dom care providers that meet your requirements so you can ask important questions that help solidify your decision. If you’re unsure what to ask, consider these questions.

Questions About the Visits

  • How are the visits conducted and how often?
  • What happens if your designated dom care provider is sick, on holiday, or unavailable?
  • Can I increase the number of visits or add additional services?
  • What happens if there’s a medical emergency and the patient is transported to the hospital?

Questions About the Caregivers

  • What type of qualifications and training must caregivers have before being hired?
  • How are caregivers recruited?
  • What does the hiring process look like?
  • Do caregivers undergo background checks and references?

Questions About Pricing and Charges

  • How do payments and billing work?
  • What type of payments does the company accept?
  • How often are payments required?
  • How do I cancel services, if need be?
  • Do prices increase during certain days or times?
  • How is the final contract drafted?

Personal Questions

  • How does the dom care provider plan to meet and cater to your individual needs?
  • What additional benefits do they offer to make you feel safe and comfortable?
  • Does the company keep detailed records about the care they provide?


Before meeting with or interviewing a potential domiciliary care provider, make a list of all the questions that come to mind. There are no foolish questions when it comes to finding the best possible care for you or your loved one. Any reputable dom care provider will welcome your questions 


How Much Does Domiciliary Care Cost?

Dom care in the UK varies greatly based on location, the specific provider, and the level of care that the patient requires. Medical services are often more expensive than basic daily needs. While rates can fluctuate, most dom care ranges from £15 and £30 per hour. Some patients qualify for financial assistance through their local council. You can contact your local council or your primary healthcare provider for more information about specific pricing, finance options, and other associated costs.


Payment Options for Dom Care

Don’t let the price of domiciliary care scare you. Everyone is entitled to quality care as they age, battle a chronic illness, or recover from an injury. Most dom care providers offer payment plans. Aid is also available if you know where to look. 


The final amount you pay the domiciliary care company you choose depends on multiple factors including your location, how much money you have in your savings account, and how in-demand and attentive the company you choose is. 


Regardless of how much money or assets you have access to, you should still explore all of your benefits and options. If you can find support or help to pay for domiciliary care, use it! Dom care services are subject to the same types of benefits and aid as residential care. The only difference is that these funds support home care assistance vs. in-patient treatment. 


Here are the most common and reasonable options for paying for domiciliary care for you or a loved one. 


Pay Yourself

If you have the funds, you can pay for dom care yourself. But before you start writing checks or shelling out big bucks, be sure to look at your projected income and expenses. For some people, dom care is required indefinitely or, at a certain point, switches to residential care. Calculate these expenses and be realistic about how long care will be needed. You also need to consider the type of care you or your loved one is receiving now and how that may change into the future. If the condition you’re facing progressively gets worse, that might require more intensive (and more expensive) care in the future. 


Pay with Equity Release

This is one of the most popular ways people pay for domiciliary care. Equity release in the UK means borrowing a tax-free sum of money that goes to the care provider so you can remain in your home. The funds you receive from equity release can be used for whatever you see fit from dom care to medical supplies and other necessities. 


Utilize Benefits to Cover the Cost of Domiciliary Care

For those who don’t have funds or savings to pay for domiciliary care, you can utilize other benefits to cover the entire cost. Keep in mind, though, that only certain dom care providers accept benefits, therefore, if you plan to pay for your in-home care solely using benefits, your options may be limited. This could prevent you from finding the most suitable or reliable company that provides the level of care you require. 


In the UK, government schemes and other charity schemes may help supplement the cost of care. 


Use Benefits to Subsidize Your Dom Care

Even if you have the money needed to cover domiciliary care, you may not want to use it. You may also be concerned that the amount you have in savings or equity isn’t enough. In this case, you can subsidize the cost of dom care using certain benefits. In most cases, these benefits are allocated for exactly this reason and are available through a pension fund.


These benefits are known as Attendance Allowance or Disability Living Allowance (or Personal Independence Payment). The latter is available for patients ages 16 to 64. Patients over the age of 65 will need to use the Attendance Allowance option. 


Apply for Domiciliary Care Allowance

It’s not uncommon for family members to take on the role of primary caregiver to an aging or ailing family member. In some cases, they’re required to quit their jobs and dedicate their entire life to providing the level of care the patient needs. Domiciliary care allowance helps provide funding and benefits to those individuals tasked with providing 24/7 care to a loved one in need. 


How much you receive varies depending on your location and the level of care required. For example, if you provide around-the-clock care and basic medical services to your family member, you can receive a higher allowance than if you merely act as a companion for a few hours per day. 


You also need to undergo an application process and get approved for dom care allowance. Most companies consider things like your current income and savings plus other extenuating circumstances. Your local government agency or social service department can assist with the application process and provide all of the information you need so you can focus your attention on what matters most – the care and well-being of your loved one.


Use This Domiciliary Care Guide to Pick the Best Provider 

Everyone’s needs, budget, and comfort level are different. While some patients are still independent and alert but simply need help with basic needs and tasks, others require around-the-clock care and medical attention. Most people facing a serious illness or the effects of aging prefer to remain in the comfort of their own homes as they navigate their condition. Domiciliary care makes that possible and Compare Caring ensures you find the most appropriate provider for your needs, budget, and preferences. 


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