Taking the mystery out of how scores work can help you boost your rating.
It’s typically recommended that you check your credit score at least once a year to know your standing and also mitigate the risk of identity theft. That being said, many credit card holders don’t really understand how it all works, but having a good understanding of your credit score is crucial as you prepare to make major purchases, apply for a car loan, or get your first mortgage.
Your score ultimately affects what credit and financing you’re eligible for, which means the better your score, the more favourable your rate will be from lenders.
Here, we debunk seven credit score myths to help you enhance your creditworthiness and ultimately save more money.
1. Checking your score hurts it
Keeping an eye on changes in your score or report can help you detect errors, keep track of your spending habits and figure out how to improve your credit — but few Canadians are taking advantage of this.
In 2019, The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada reported that half of Canadians have never requested a credit report from Equifax Canada Transunion of Canada.
The fact of the matter
Checking your credit score or report counts as a “soft inquiry” — which means that it won’t affect your score. You can check it for free.
It’s a good idea to monitor your credit score and track your bills regularly to avoid missing any upcoming payments which could mean paying late fees and more interest.
However, when you apply for a loan or a new credit card, a lender will want to check out your credit score to determine whether you’re a reliable borrower. This particular check counts as a “hard inquiry” and will dent your score by a few points, temporarily.
2. You only have one score
Contrary to popular belief, you have more than one score and it could waver slightly depending on which credit bureau is providing the information.
When you apply for a credit card or a loan and lenders check your credit score, they could be pulling up any one of your scores. You have no way of knowing which, but checking more than one can give you a better picture of your creditworthiness.
The fact of the matter
The two national credit reporting agencies are Equifax and TransUnion. Typical credit scores range from 300 to 900 and credit bureaus generally consider the same factors — like payment history, utilization rate and how long you’ve had credit for — to determine your score.
However, agencies may use different scoring models and could receive different information when they evaluate your credit.
3. The higher your paycheque, the higher your score
Some people believe a wage increase can directly affect their credit scores — after all, a higher income makes you more attractive as a borrower and you’ll have more funds to pay off your debts.
But, is your income actually included in your credit report, and does it impact your score?
The fact of the matter
The answer is no, your income isn’t included on your credit report, nor is it factored into your credit score. Even if the money’s rolling in, you still want to avoid accruing more credit card debt than you need to — that will affect your score, and not in a good way.
That said, if you’re more financially stable and have been able to pay your bills on time in full without adding up on interest and debt, then yes, you’re more likely to have a better credit score.
And lenders will assess your credit score and your income and employment status when you apply for credit products. A good credit score and a steady income are both key to obtaining lower rates on cards and loans.
If you’re thinking about boosting your income with some good investments, but aren’t sure how to get started, consider trying out a beginner-friendly investing service.
4. Carrying a balance on your credit card improves your score
The average credit card balance for Canadians was $4,499 in the second quarter of 2024, according to TransUnion.
The Bank of Canada also says close to half of Canadians with a credit card carry a balance for at least two consecutive months.
Carrying a balance on your credit card ensures that you rack up on interest and owe more money than if you made your payments in full — does that impact your score?
The fact of the matter
With typical credit card interest rates around 20%, paying your monthly bills in full and on time is the best way to maintain a good credit score and potentially save thousands. The general rule of thumb is to keep your credit utilization rate below 30% across all your accounts if you can.
When you make the minimum payments instead of paying off your balance in full each month, you’ll accrue interest and increase your debt. If you also keep making purchases, your credit utilization rate — which divides your total credit card balance by your total credit card limit — increases as a result, and that hurts your credit score.
A 0% utilization rate won’t help you either — lenders want to see that you’re using your credit responsibly.
If you find yourself bogged down by interest and credit card debt, consider a debt consolidation loan to fold all of your debts into one loan with a lower interest rate or refinancing your current loan.
5. Closing a credit card helps your score
You might be thinking about cancelling one of your credit cards — maybe you never really use it or you think it’ll make your debts more manageable and boost your credit score.
There are plenty of reasons for and against closing a credit card.
The fact of the matter
Here’s the thing. Your credit score improves when you have more available credit, a long credit history and a lower credit utilization rate.
So, when you close a credit card, particularly a high-limit one, or one you’ve had for a long time, you’re more likely to harm your credit score than help it.
This doesn’t mean you should never close a credit card, however. If you haven’t been using it very often and you’re paying high annual fees, there’s little point in keeping it alive. Instead, switching to a card with lower or no fees may be more beneficial.
6. Employers don’t check your score
It may come as a surprise to know that employers can check your credit score when you apply for a job.
A bad credit score can affect more than just your loan or credit approval chances — it could prevent you from landing the perfect job, renting a home or even getting a new cellphone with a good plan.
The fact of the matter
A future employer may want to check whether you’re managing your money responsibly, especially if your job involves handling large sums of money or making major business decisions. This check counts as a “soft inquiry” so it won’t damage your score.
The credit report they pull up will show your name, address, SIN number, date of birth, previous employers and information about your debt, like mortgages, credit accounts and student loans — so it is important to prepare and get your finances in order.
However, they can’t go about this without your consent, so don’t worry about them sneaking around behind your back.
7. You and your spouse share the same score
When you get married, there are several things you might need to jointly do with your spouse, like applying for a mortgage loan, or splitting household bills like groceries and utilities.
As a result, you might believe your credit scores get merged into one as well.
The fact of the matter
You and your spouse will still receive separate credit reports and credit scores, even when you combine incomes or bank accounts. Don’t concern yourself with a partner’s past bankruptcy ruining your credit as soon as you get hitched.
However, if your partner has poor credit and you apply jointly for a loan or open an account together, that information will affect both your credit reports and you could end up with less-favourable rates costing you more money.
For example, you might be denied a good mortgage rate from a mainstream mortgage provider and pay a higher rate with another lender to account for the greater risk you present as borrowers together.
So, it’s still important to be aware of each other’s credit history and spending habits before you tie the knot or buy a home together.
1. Financial Consumer Agency of Canada: Canadians and their Money: Key Findings from the 2019 Canadian Financial Capability Survey
2. TransUnion: Q2 2024 Credit Industry Insights
3. Bank of Canada: The reliance of Canadians on credit card debt as a predictor of financial stress (July 2024)
This article 7 common credit score myths you should never believe originally appeared on Money.ca
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